Flagship Healthcare Blog

Choosing a Chiropractor in Erie

Choosing a Chiropractor in Erie PA

Choosing a Chiropractor in Erie PA One of the most common questions I get asked as a doctor is how do I find a great chiropractor in Erie PA?  In some cities, there are dozens to choose from and it can be difficult to know if the doctor you are considering is right for you. …

Overcome Recurring Dizziness

Overcome Recurring Dizziness

Overcome Recurring Dizziness If the feelings of dizziness, lightheadedness, and general wooziness have set up camp in your life, it can feel like these symptoms are here to stay. We’re here to tell you that it doesn’t necessarily need to be the case. Some people who are experiencing chronic dizziness don’t realize that they’re actually…

Prevent and Treat Tech Neck

Prevent and Treat Tech Neck

Prevent and Treat Tech Neck The strong pull of social media isn’t going anywhere soon. Neither are the smartphones that most of us carry day and night to check our networks or send and receive business emails outside of the walls of work. We use our phones as our clocks, navigation, and of course, our…

Prevent Hip Pain And Tightness From Daily Life

Prevent Hip Pain And Tightness From Daily Life

Prevent Hip Pain And Tightness From Daily Life Who here wants to live a pain-free life? Ok, this admittedly feels like a no-brainer! When we don’t have to worry about unnecessary aches and pains, participating in the activities that make us happiest is more enjoyable. Hiking, running, going for walks with friends and family…these things…

fitness tips from a chiropractor

Fitness Tips from a Chiropractor in Erie PA

Fitness Tips from a Chiropractor in Erie PA A chiropractor in Erie PA is no stranger to seeing patients that have injured themselves working out or playing sports. Pulled muscles, strains, sprains, ligament tears, and misaligned discs are all part of the practice. Virtually every type of fitness injury can be successfully assessed and treated…

The Cause of Stabbing Heel Pain and How to Treat It

The Cause of Stabbing Heel Pain and How to Treat It

The Cause of Stabbing Heel Pain and How to Treat It Ever experience shooting pain in your heels when getting out of bed in the morning? Or unbearable heel pain after sitting for long periods of time? If you’re nodding your head “yes,” you may be dealing with plantar fasciitis. But be encouraged; your pain…