Flagship Healthcare Blog

three common conditions chiropractors help

Erie PA Chiropractor Explains the Value of Health

Erie PA Chiropractor Explains the Value of Health The value of health is something that can never be overstated, no matter how long you talk about it. It’s easy to place other aspects of life ahead of health on the priority list, but once your health falters none of those other things matter. If you…

Back And Glute Pain May Not Be Sciatica

Back And Glute Pain May Not Be Sciatica

Back And Glute Pain May Not Be Sciatica Lower back pain. Glute pain. Tingling. Numbness. Shooting pain. These symptoms all sound like sciatica. And, with almost 40% of the entire population experiencing sciatica, it’s become a fairly common diagnosis. However, as it turns out, there’s another diagnosis out there sometimes masquerading with almost identical symptoms:…

Heal And Prevent Shin Splints

Heal And Prevent Shin Splints

Heal And Prevent Shin Splints Have you ever started a running routine just to be held up by constant pain along the shin bones? The pain extends to both before and after running and what at first may feel like a nuisance, can grow to make running more and more unbearable. It can feel like…

Erie Chiropractor Talks about Bulging Discs

Erie PA Chiropractor Talks about Bulging Discs

Erie PA Chiropractor Talks about Bulging Discs The concentric rings made from cartilage and other materials that are located between your vertebrae are known as discs. These discs provide a cushion between the vertebrae, preventing them from grinding against one another while your spine is moving. Erie PA chiropractors have very good results when treating…

Prevent And Overcome Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Prevent And Overcome Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Prevent And Overcome Carpal Tunnel Syndrome   Tingling in your fingers and hands. Numbness. A feeling of weakness. Though the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome usually start gradually, the impact of this common condition can be quite bothersome. Additionally, the long-term effects can be serious when left untreated, including permanent nerve damage. In short, carpal…

Nutrient Planning For A Better Pregnancy Experience

Nutrient Planning For A Better Pregnancy Experience

Nutrient Planning For A Better Pregnancy Experience First of all, if you’re expecting, congratulations! The anticipation of adding a new member to the family can be such an exciting and special time. It’s also a period of incredible change for you, your partner- and most importantly, your body. Taking care of yourself is one of…