Flagship Healthcare Blog

Natural Relief for Troublesome Allergies

Natural Relief for Troublesome Allergies

Natural Relief for Troublesome Allergies Constant sneezing. Wheezing. Watery and itchy eyes. Stuffed up nose. Head congestion. If you’ve experienced these common and uncomfortable symptoms, chances are, you may have wrestled with allergies. For starters, know that you’re not alone. Over 50 million Americans reportedly suffer from allergies in some form or another. Not to…

Treatment For Children With Ear Infections

Treatment For Children With Ear Infections

Treatment For Children With Ear Infections Did you know that over 35% of all visits to the pediatrician each year stem from suspected ear infections? That equates to a serious number of office visits for this fairly common condition. In fact, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, five out of…

8 Powerhouse Foods That Help Relieve Arthritis Pain

8 Powerhouse Foods That Help Relieve Arthritis Pain

8 Powerhouse Foods That Help Relieve Arthritis Pain Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in the U.S. 54 million adults and 300,000 babies and children are living with arthritis of some kind. But did you know, arthritis isn’t actually a name for a single disease? Rather, it’s become a shorthand used to describe joint…

are you looking for a chiropractic office

How to Choose an Erie PA Chiropractic Office

How to Choose an Erie PA Chiropractic Office Whether you are looking to change from your current chiropractor or you’re trying chiropractic treatment for the first time, it’s important to choose the right one to suit your needs and your lifestyle. Chiropractic care is an effective way to eliminate scores of health issues naturally, but…

What You Don’t Know About Sitting Could Hurt You

What You Don’t Know About Sitting Could Hurt You

What You Don’t Know About Sitting Could Hurt You Did you know that the average American sits for 13 hours per day? Now factor in 7-8 hours of sleep and it translates to a ton of time off your feet each and every day. Plus, as technology continues to rise, it becomes even easier to…

Get And Stay Active – Even With Back Pain

Get And Stay Active – Even With Back Pain

Get And Stay Active – Even With Back Pain Longer days and warmer weather – as winter winds down and spring amps up, the desire to get outside, get active, and shed a little weight begins to sound much more appealing! However, for many, there’s a consistent problem standing in the way: back pain. Back…