Flagship Healthcare Blog

Achieve a Healthier Spine in Erie

Achieve a Healthier Spine in Erie PA

Achieve a Healthier Spine in Erie PA How many times daily do you stop and think about your spine? If you are like a lot of us in Erie PA that number sits a solid “zero”. As long as we can carry on daily we simply assume everything is just fine, that is unless you…

Why They Call It ‘Failed Back Surgery Syndrome’

Why They Call It ‘Failed Back Surgery Syndrome’

Why They Call It ‘Failed Back Surgery Syndrome’ Chronic back pain has a way of infiltrating so many nooks and crannies of life. It can get in the way of taking vacations with family, doing the exercises that you love most, and even interfere with proper sleep. All of these pieces over time can feel…

The Best Treatment Options for Managing Whiplash Symptoms

The Best Treatment Options for Managing Whiplash Symptoms

The Best Treatment Options for Managing Whiplash Symptoms Whiplash: it comes on in an instant, but can stay with you for quite some time. Between neck pain and stiffness, loss of range of motion in the neck, headaches, and dizziness, the laundry list of unpleasant symptoms is enough to keep anyone from enjoying day-to-day life.…

Erie Athletes Improve with Chiropractic Care

Erie PA Athletes Improve with Chiropractic Care

Erie PA Athletes Improve with Chiropractic Care Athletes are always looking for an edge to take their performances to another level. No matter what sport you play, the competition is always getting bigger, faster, and stronger which means you have to continually improve in order to keep up. Some athletes turn to dishonest methods like…

Common Causes of Shoulder Pain

Common Causes of Shoulder Pain

Common Causes of Shoulder Pain From physical jobs to everyday functions, your shoulders can actually take quite a beating. However, we usually don’t notice all of the work that we put them through until something isn’t quite right. Sometimes it’s hard to notice a good thing until it’s gone: your shoulder health. With shoulder injuries…

Preparing Your Body For Childbirth

Preparing Your Body For Childbirth

This one goes out to all of our pregnant ladies! If you’re expecting – congratulations! Preparing for a new addition to the family is such an exciting and busy time. However, in all of the planning and anticipation of the new arrival, it can be easy to neglect self-care. Self-care is incredibly important at all…