Flagship Healthcare Blog

Erie Chiropractor Describes Stretching

Erie PA Chiropractor Describes Stretching

Erie PA Chiropractic Describes Stretching Keeping your muscles, tendons, and ligaments flexible through regular stretching is important, but an often-ignored piece of the overall health puzzle. Many people find stretching to be time-consuming and boring, but it helps prevent scores of different injuries and has an anti-aging effect on the body. We see many patients…

New Goal, New You, New Injury?

New Goal, New You, New Injury?

New Goal, New You, New Injury? Starting a new workout or fitness routine? We like your style! Plenty of people struggle with keeping up with well-intentioned fitness goals, but there’s another less commonly talked about the piece that could factor into your plans: injury. As you’re ramping up into your new workout routine, unexpected injury…

Rotator Cuff Injury and Recovery

Rotator Cuff Injury and Recovery

Rotator Cuff Injury and Recovery Are you experiencing chronic shoulder pain? Has simple, overhead movement become difficult and uncomfortable? Maybe you’re on a basketball or football team and can’t seem to throw with quite the same force without shooting pain going down your arm. You may be experiencing symptoms of a torn rotator cuff. Whether…

Erie Chiropractors Help Range of Motion

Erie PA Chiropractors Help Range of Motion

Erie PA Chiropractors Help Range of Motion A body in motion is a beautiful thing, but through poor lifestyle choices, injuries, and general aging our range of motion can diminish to the point that we can barely bend over to pick something up off the floor. Everyone seems to take their flexibility and ease of…

The Impact of Pregnancy on Posture: What Every Pregnant Woman Should Know

The Impact of Pregnancy on Posture: What Every Pregnant Woman Should Know

The Impact of Pregnancy on Posture: What Every Pregnant Woman Should Know If you’ve got a bun in the oven – let us congratulate you! The anticipation of a new baby joining the family is exciting and special. However, in the whirlwind of focusing on the health of your baby, many moms-to-be sometimes aren’t fully…

How Chiropractic Care Can Help Scoliosis

How Chiropractic Care Can Help Scoliosis

How Chiropractic Care Can Help Scoliosis Diagnosing and Treating Adolescent Scoliosis  Scoliosis screenings are often part of elementary and middle school health exams. However, scoliosis can be easily missed, as the onset and development are usually gradual and only noticeable when bending over. Scoliosis can sometimes cause pain and muscle imbalances that cause the spine…